Monday 28 November 2011

Thursday 24 November 2011

#movember 24/2011

Behind me wales and the sea. In the beautiful north wales. Belfast tomorrow.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Sunday 20 November 2011

Management (2008) - A View

This 'touching' rom-com, as its tagline portrays it stars Jennifer Aniston (of use to be married to Brad Pitt fame) and Steve Zahn (of no fame). It is about Mike (Steve) falling in love with Sue (Jennifer) when she stays at the hotel his parents own. This is the part of the review where I fill in what happens in the rest of the film but you get the idea. She aint keen, then she gets more interested then there is distance, then there is dramatic traveling and surprise visits, mixed with something about morals and stuff, then there is an old love interest blah blah cliche cliche cliche and then all happy in the end, mush mush mush.
Back when Brad was kewl.
You may not think it but this film really got me asking questions and thinking. The biggest of all these questions is about Jennifer Aniston. Is it a case she cannot read or that she couldn't be bothered reading over a script before deciding to do it? I am yet to see her in a half decent film. They all are complete stinkers. Anyone know of a decent film that auld Jennifer has been in? Maybe she just hopes if she does enough films one of them will be decent. I truly aint sure what she is thinking especially with this film. Its terrible. Some of the dialogue is just awkward and pointless. If I want a motel based Rom-Com I will watch Bottle Rocket or even Pyscho, as it is a better option than this serving. Poor poor Jennifer. At least she is better than Angeline Jolie.

A big 1/5. Not worth a watch but it is only and hour and a half of your life lost.

Thursday 17 November 2011

#movember 17/2011

A rather long day with the same again tomorrow, photo may be taken on location.

Monday 14 November 2011

Saturday 12 November 2011

Tuesday 8 November 2011

#movember 8/2011

What I am working on at the moment.

You may have seen a while ago me posting a bit about this "A Giant Problem". Its a short mockumentary on the Giants Causeway, Northern Ireland.
I was working on it before graduating from University Of Ulster with Alan McCracken  and we managed to put together a first draft of the script. Unfortunately dissertations, work and moving house got in the way of us getting out of pre-production. 
We both have been working on various things since but now I have managed to get a bit of free time from work where I have been working on my 15 second short, Vinyl Touch. This free time has also seen me start to redraft the "A Giant Problem" script with a view to seeking funding from NI Screen, to finally get this out of the pre-production hole. 

Saturday 5 November 2011

#movember 5/2011

My first Guido Fawkes night where people have actually been celebrating it. Went to Glasgow green fireworks, rather disappointing. 

Thursday 3 November 2011

Canon c300 - a basic view

So this is it. Canons rival to the Red. I would love to go into a load of detail regarding the 8mp sensor or the lack of AF etc but I really do not have the knowledge to back up how that makes it better or worse that anything else.
It means that this bit of kit is starting off at $16,000 and that is ridiculous if this is going to be considered against HDSLR's. I was thinking that this would be the new wave of HDSLR's that would not only change the indie film world but possibly beyond, but alas those dreams have been shattered by what looks like a mix between a Hasselblad, a 5d mII and a PD175.
I shan't be rushing to buy or use one and neither will many others I suspect.
In other news if you are planning on buying one to replace your 5d mII I will be more than happy to take it off your hands.

#movember 3/2011

Another hard day of growing complete. Spent most of it in this position editing. I also edited my homepage into a Movember themed ad. 

Wednesday 2 November 2011

#movember 2/2011

Not much growth going on. Early to bed and with the right attitude perhaps a handle bar and a productive day. I am thinking more 5 o'clock shadow and to much COD on the wii. Sucks me in!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

#movember 1/2011

And so it begins. Another year of Movember. Will try to post a daily pic like last year but do not get your hopes up.
Will post a donation link later with some details. Will be doing it through to generate awareness for prostate cancer.