Friday 28 November 2014

The Glasgow Graffers

I like to imagine they compare and contrast spreadsheets. Then go crazy at some serious y and x axis.

Thursday 27 November 2014

MeetThe62 : A documentary project

20131202-203503.jpgAfter my blog regarding the fact only 62 people work full time in the Scottish film industry I have had a few interesting chats and tweets off people. A very interesting chat was had today with a colleague who said why don't you go meet them all and make a film about it. So that's where this ball starts rolling, I want to try and at least find these 62 people. So if you are working full time in the Scottish film industry please leave a comment or send me an email. If you are just generally interested feel free to contact me also.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Meeting the 62 people employed full time in Scotland's Film Production Sector


It's a pretty crazy fact but indeed there are only 62 people in Scotland who have a full time job within Film Production (Source 1). I have been working within TV for the last few years, not out of a burning love for TV and the online world it also absorbs but from a love of production and creation. I have aspirations of becoming a film maker and have found it strange that coming to Glasgow hasn't developed that opportunity compared to being in Northern Ireland. I have actually only been funded by NI Screen since moving to Scotland a few years ago ( for the award winning 15 second film Vinyl Touch) .

After reading of this 62 within Creative Scotland's Review of the film sector I found it rather staggering but also fascinating that not only could you meet and greet all of these people in a few hours. It also means that with Scotland's estimated population at 5,327,700 that only 0.001% of Scotland's population works full time in Film Production (Source 2).

That got me thinking of the various people that I know who currently work on films, they all work freelance though. I couldn't actually think of anyone that I know who would consider themselves one of the 62. So this is an open invite to introduce yourself people of the 62, I wish to say hello and find out exactly what do you do? and a bit more about you rather than just the facts and figures I see. Perhaps there is a story in there worth telling.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

One gallon mead recipe and artwork #homebrew

So here it is in all its glory, I only wish I had taken the original gravity and could say what the ABV is. I followed this recipe below for a 1 gallon batch of traditional mead.


1 Gallon demijohn
1 Airlock
1 Bung
Some sterilization

One gallon recipe

1.5kg Honey
1 Large orange
1 handful of raisins
2 sticks of cinnamon
2 cloves
1 pinch of nutmeg
Half a pack of wine yeast
Balance water to one gallon

How to

Put all this in and shake it about. Put it in a dark warmish place. Check on it in a few months.



After a quick wax of the mustache and a turn up of my chinos I went for a pastiche of the classic Smiths album Meat is Murder. Shall be labeling up and forcing upon people over the festive period. This stuff is rough as a badgers ticks back.