Thursday, 11 December 2014

Moving from Wordpress to Blogger: Image size issues step by step guide

If you are like me and constantly change your blogging platform on a whim you will no doubt have images of varying sizes.
When moving from Blogger to Wordpress you can run a plugin that automatically re-sizes all the images, when moving the other way between Wordpress to Blogger there are not the same plugins.
Instead you have to add the custom CSS. How on earth do you do that ey? Well here is a step by step guide.

First of all open up your blog overview. Then on the left hand side menu select Template

Once Template is selected the above screen should appear, select Customize.

On the left hand side select Advanced, then scroll down to the bottom of the Advanced section and you should see Add CSS. This is where you add your code.

Below is the code I have used. This makes the max width an image in a post can be 600px and then the height will automatically change to fit the 600px width dimensions. You can change this to suit your template.

.post-body img { max-width:600px; height:auto; }

Hope this of help to anyone else with image re-sizing issues on blogger.

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