Saturday 19 May 2012

Northern Lights - Documentary project

Northern Lights is a documentary project about YOUR Scotland by YOU. Its a simple idea. Capture anything that represents YOUR Scotland. Maybe your walk to work, your thoughts on culture or maybe your favorite place in Scotland. The documentary wants to capture all parts of Scotland so anyone and everyone is welcome to submit. If you are stuck as to what to capture there is also a list of Director's Requests with suggestions for what sort of footage is needed.
You can use anything from a modern camera phone to a Super 8 camera. The only thing that is needed is to take that footage and put it on Youtube via the WeAreNorthernLights website.

Aberdeen Skyline
 Here is an example of the sort of footage that is needed. An unedited video with no music capturing a bit of Scotland from my perspective.

Since attending the opening night of the Northern Lights project way back in February I have been taking part, filming what Scotland is for me. With my job I have been traveling right across Scotland and the rest of the UK. The project is an amazing opportunity for everyone and anyone in Scotland to have their bit of Scotland seen by the world.
If that isn't enough to get you contributing there are some amazing awards for a variety of submissions.

So get out there.
Get capturing YOUR Scotland.
and share YOUR Scotland.

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