Monday 18 July 2011

Andrew Bird - free mp3 download

The description of him on his website "Chicago-based multi-instrumentalist, lyricist and whistler" sums him up pretty perfectly. He howls, whistles and whisks you away with his fantastic compositions. Plucking away on a violin he really gets you submerged into the sound. A rather unique sound I feel that gives something a little different to the typical notions of the Nu folk, that is all the rage these days. Any one in the US and A should take a look at his tour schedule and attempt to see him as you will see in the video below, he sounds amazing live
But do not take my word for it give Hot Math a download and watch the video below. You will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Peek-A-Boo (6 months later) I found you!! I adore, ADORE this song!!! Thank you!!
