Wednesday 27 April 2011

Catfish (2010) - A view

Contains spoilers. If you havent seen this film go watch it if yes continue reading.

Its a gewd bit ironic how I came to watch this film. I was trying to figure out who a person in someones profile pic on facebook was and went into their profile. They had a few films that I thought, they are pretty gewd and then they had Catfish so I thought this must be gewd too.
So I watched it the other night and it blew my mind. This year I have seen a number of great documentaries but nothing comes close to this. I was inspired, freaked out, intrigued, scared, excited and most of all gripped the whole way through.
I had watched a trailer and it seemed like the story to me was about a fella who was in a relationship with a girl online.....started watching it and he is making friends with an 8 year old girl, yeah I did start getting worried and the OH started giving me looks. *please dont let it be one of those films* I was worried as I had made her watch Capturing The Friedmans, on the premise it was about the Number 1 New York children's entertainer(which it is might I add). Anyway it soon transpires that this eight year old painter Abby who has been sending our lead Nev painting of his photography has a nineteen year old sister Megan. This soon blossoms into an relationship via that wonderful site Facebook.

The films really sucks you into the relationship and it gets rather intrusive of it and you at times feel a little awkward. This soon changes over a Tennessee stud. What really intrigued and hooked me in was the fact that this whole documentary is so heavily based on a great story. I really enjoyed the way the whole thing was filmed and as you can see it was not as if they had great equipment, merely a great story. This whole interaction between camera men and actor within the doc brings a whole new dimension that I feel extends the excitement and nervous anticipation of the meet up. I loved that the camera men are just as freaked out if not more in some places than Nev.

The climax to the film with the meeting of Angela is so weird. The bizarre ending of the painting along with a discussion on how she lied and tricked him is amazing and just blew my mind.

If you havent yet head on over to and click on "enter nev's world" really interesting perspective with a lot more features and photos and actual conversation on it. Bizarre.

It has to be one of my favourite documentaries in the last while and have to give it 5/5.

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