Tuesday 30 November 2010

Mo day 30 #movember

I apologise,i havent been blogging these recently, have been very busy but you shall see the fruits soon enough.
This is the last day of operation upperlipwarmer and it has been fun.
Disgusting,ginger,dead earwig: some of the descriptive words people have given it. I think its been worth while,maybe not financially but ive spread some awareness.


  1. The Mo, the hat, the cheeky little grin. Just Bootiful!

  2. impressed! but a little suspicious.. were you busy #20-29 or did you just run outta tshirts!?

    anywayz, well done. You win an internets

  3. Ha cheers both of you for the support. I actually have the photos #20-29 but be a bit weird to randomly upload now.
    A whole internets?
