Friday 3 September 2010

This year - Part 1

Well this is a pretty big year for me going into my final year at university of ulster, Coleraine. I have spent the last two years supposedly honing my practical skills and developing my theory based knowledge of media. I am going to be putting a series of posts up here of things I am aiming to achieve this year.
Over the past two years i have failed to produce anything that i would consider decent, my A-level stuff is better and that says a lot about the development of my practical skills.
The first thing on this list of things I want to do this year has to be to produce a decent short film. I have plenty of ideas but I need to get going with them, its far to easy to say and not do.
I am hoping to get started into this as soon as possible I have a number of projects in the pipeline at the moment so hopefully soon enough I will have something decent to show for my in devours.