Monday 31 December 2007


Why hello
I am currently in MicroCare even though it is my holidays...well anwar is here anyway with his outrage at having no holidays he has decided we deserve a car which should be great, i bought a tape(yep an actual tape!!!) i decided on a classic,Westlife's greatest hits, its what you have to drive to on KLA as we now call it or Kampsie as iam starting to call it.
Christmas was in Kisiizi and was rather strange, i have hundreds of photos as you expect but i havent got my camera with me currently so they will have to be uploaded at a later date.
I spit roasted a pig which was an experience and a half and i feel i took alot from it...such as burns and singed hair...but other than those things it was a great day and tasted great. I went to a Church service which we left after about an hour and a half as we didnt understand a word and we had been up preparing the pig since 4am. The service contiuned for 5hours.....
On boxing day the boys went on a quest, quoating lord of the rings with our walking sticks and large strides i soon nearly died but luckily had my inhaler with me so all was gewd.
We desnded into a valley and Jeff supplied us with a wonderfull quote "its always great to watch birds of prey from above". We arrived at the bottom of the valley where we meet a small river and a wonderfull waterfall which legend has it is where they would kill ladies who did bad things....we however enjoyed the ice cold thud of the water due to our unatural sweating.
I soon climed the water fall to see what was above and due to it being about 4metres tall this was hardly strenues. I reached the top and there was a beautiful flat stone right for the sunbathing....there was also a lovely pile of mud and being the skin cleansing curious types me and abe soon had oursleves covered in mud....these photos are on Jeff's camera and i hope to get them off him.....we then walked down the river and had a plentyfull of falls and wetness.
I am now back in kampala and had a lovely shopping spreee...i bought myself some glorious air nikes, a beautiful bob marley belt, a pair of topguntastic aviators and a lovely T-all for about 7 squid.
As i have to get a new visa to stay in the country i am going to be leaving the mighty Uganda for a while and spread my wings to Kenya and if the lovely boarder gaurds..i do so hope they read my blog....allow it i shall enter somalia....the wonderfull thing is i can do it all for free....not only do the other boys have to pay to leave Uganda and enter Kenya they have to pay to get back in aswell so it costs them $100 on crossing invisible lines...where as it costs me $0 which means i shall be buying the champagne on the train to mobassa.
I am still unsure upon the dates at which i shall be leaving etc but i shall try and keep you all informed.
Hope christmas was great for you all
Love from

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